Sotavento Plantanal comprises 100 acres of beachfront property containing cleared land, secondary, and primary rain forest. Two rustic lodges are nestled in the forest overlooking an incomparable view of the Pacific Ocean and the Golfo Dulce in Punta Banco, Costa Rica. The all-season road ends 100 meters past the entrance to Sotavento. South of us stretches the southernmost peninsula of Costa Rica, the untamed Burica Peninsula. There are two lodges available at Sotavento for visitors wishing to take advantage of the seclusion, the world-class surfing, the rain forest, and all the activities that are possible in this remote area of Costa Rica. The lodges are designed for parties interested in renting the entire facility for a group of 2-8. The lodges are fully furnished with special amenities including Direct TV, electricity, hot water, phone and Internet.
Sotavento Plantanal comprises 100 acres of beachfront property containing cleared land, secondary, and primary rain forest. Two rustic lodges are nestled in the forest overlooking an incomparable view of the Pacific Ocean and the Golfo Dulce in Punta Banco, Costa Rica.
The all-season road ends 100 meters past the entrance to Sotavento. South of us stretches the southernmost peninsula of Costa Rica, the untamed Burica Peninsula. If you're wishing to take advantage of the seclusion, world-class surfing, and the rainforest The lodges are designed for parties interested in renting the entire facility for a group of 2-8. The lodges are fully furnished with special amenities including Direct TV, electricity, hot water, phone and Internet.

Perhaps the greatest appeal of these lodges is their complete privacy and seclusion. Perched 100 and 200 feet above sea level, respectively, Casa Poinsettia and Casa Vista Grande are completely enclosed in forest with ocean view. There are no other residences within sight or earshot. At Sotavento, the sun sinks into the Pacific Ocean in a blaze of orange, purple, and crimson just south of the Cabo Matapalo, the sourthernmost extension of the magnificent Osa Peninsula, and you are swallowed by the sounds of the tropical night.
Casa Vista Grande

The lodges each have a full kitchen with service for twelve. Amenities include a counter-top gas stove, full-size refrigerator with freezer, pots, pans, and coffee maker. The lodge is ideally set up for your party to cook your own meals. There is a small supermarket at Punta Banco very close to Sotavento where you can buy staples, meat, chicken, eggs, and the like.
The window shutters of the lodge open on all sides to capture the tickling afternoon breeze, for which the ranch is named. They are unglassed and unscreened, so when you stay at Sotavento, you must be prepared to share your environment with beetles, moths, the odd scorpion, and bats. Delightfully, there are seldom any biting insects, mosquitoes, no-seeums, or other pesky insects, though you may feel free to bring insect repellent just in case.. For your comfort and security, mosquito netting is deployed on the four double beds.

Casa Poinsettia


Sotavento Plantanal is located at the end of the farthest south beach road in Costa Rica. The preferred form of access is by personal 4-wheel drive conveyance, and persons interested in staying with us may want to consider renting a vehicle in San Jose or Golfito to maximize your mobility. You won't want to walk up the steep driveway from the beach to the lodge unless you are in excellent shape. A four-wheel drive vehicle is required to negotiate the steep, concrete driveway. A bus comes in and out of Punta Banco everyday from Golfito, which is connected to the rest of Costa Rica by daily flights to San Jose by Sansa and Travelair as well as by daily bus routes. Pavones is readily accessible by boat for visitors that boat across from Puerto Jiménez or Matapalo. Roads converge on the Pavones area from both Golfito and from Paso Canoas. The roads come together at the small town of Conte. Whichever way you are coming, be sure to take the road south at the Conte juncture, follow the signs to Pavones, and continue south to Punta Banco. Look for the Sotavento sign at the left-hand entrance.